
JCOG1711 漿膜下浸潤及び漿膜浸潤を伴う進行胃癌を対象とした大網切除に対する大網温存の非劣性を検証するランダム化比較試験

Sato Y, Yamada T, Yoshikawa T, et al. Randomized controlled Phase III trial to evaluate omentum preserving gastrectomy for patients with advanced gastric cancer (JCOG1711, ROAD-GC) [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jul 8]. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2020;hyaa113. doi:10.1093/jjco/hyaa113

JCOG1704 高度リンパ節転移を伴う進行胃癌に対する術前 Docetaxel + Oxaliplatin + S-1 の第II 相試験

Sato Y, Kurokawa Y, Doki Y, et al. A Phase II study of preoperative chemotherapy with docetaxel, oxaliplatin and S-1 in gastric cancer with extensive lymph node metastasis (JCOG1704). Future Oncol. 2020;16(4):31‐38. doi:10.2217/fon-2019-0528

JCOG1507 病理学的Stage II/IIIで"vulnerable"な80歳以上の高齢者胃癌に対する開始量を減量したS-1術後補化学療法に関するランダム化比較第III相試験

Mizutani T, Yamaguchi K, Mizusawa J, et al. A phase III trial to confirm modified S-1 adjuvant chemotherapy for pathological stage II/III vulnerable elderly gastric cancer patients who underwent gastric resection (JCOG1507, BIRDIE). Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2018;48(12):1101-1104. doi:10.1093/jjco/hyy152

JCOG1401 臨床病期I期胃癌に対する腹腔鏡下胃全摘術および腹腔鏡下噴門側胃切除術の安全性に関する非ランダム化検証的試験

Katai H, Mizusawa J, Katayama H, et al. Single-arm confirmatory trial of laparoscopy-assisted total or proximal gastrectomy with nodal dissection for clinical stage I gastric cancer: Japan Clinical Oncology Group study JCOG1401. Gastric Cancer. 2019;22(5):999-1008. doi:10.1007/s10120-019-00929-9

JCOG1302A ステージIII 胃癌に対する術前診断の妥当性についての研究

Fukagawa T, Katai H, Mizusawa J, et al. A prospective multi-institutional validity study to evaluate the accuracy of clinical diagnosis of pathological stage III gastric cancer (JCOG1302A). Gastric Cancer. 2018;21(1):68-73. doi:10.1007/s10120-017-0701-1

Sato Y, Mizusawa J, Katayama H, et al. Diagnosis of invasion depth in resectable advanced gastric cancer for neoadjuvant chemotherapy: An exploratory analysis of Japan clinical oncology group study: JCOG1302A. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2020;S0748-7983(20)30145-1. doi:10.1016/j.ejso.2020.02.038

JCOG1301 高度リンパ節転移を有するHER2陽性胃・食道胃接合部腺癌に対する術前trastuzumab併用化学療法の意義に関する    ランダム化第II相試験

Kataoka K, Tokunaga M, Mizusawa J, et al. A randomized Phase II trial of systemic chemotherapy with and without trastuzumab followed by surgery in HER2-positive advanced gastric or esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma with extensive lymph node metastasis: Japan Clinical Oncology Group study JCOG1301 (Trigger Study). Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2015;45(11):1082-1086. doi:10.1093/jjco/hyv134

JCOG1108 高度腹水を伴う又は経口摂取不能の腹膜転移を有する胃癌に対する5-FU/l-LV 療法vs. FLTAX療法のランダム化第II/III 相比較試験

Nakajima TE, Yamaguchi K, Boku N, et al. Randomized phase II/III study of 5-fluorouracil/l-leucovorin versus 5-fluorouracil/l-leucovorin plus paclitaxel administered to patients with severe peritoneal metastases of gastric cancer (JCOG1108/WJOG7312G). Gastric Cancer. 2020;10.1007/s10120-020-01043-x. doi:10.1007/s10120-020-01043-x

JCOG1104 病理学的Stage II胃癌に対するS-1術後補助化学療法の期間短縮の意義を検討するランダム化比較第III相試験

Yoshikawa T, Terashima M, Mizusawa J, et al. Four courses versus eight courses of adjuvant S-1 for patients with stage II gastric cancer (JCOG1104 [OPAS-1]): an open-label, phase 3, non-inferiority, randomised trial [published correction appears in Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019 Apr;4(4):e3]. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019;4(3):208-216. doi:10.1016/S2468-1253(18)30383-2

JCOG1013 切除不能進行・再発胃癌を対象としたS-1/シスプラチン併用(CS)療法とドセタキセル/シスプラチン/S-1併用(DCS)療法のランダム化第Ⅲ相試験

Yamada Y, Boku N, Mizusawa J, et al. Docetaxel plus cisplatin and S-1 versus cisplatin and S-1 in patients with advanced gastric cancer (JCOG1013): an open-label, phase 3, randomised controlled trial. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019;4(7):501-510. doi:10.1016/S2468-1253(19)30083-4

JCOG1009/1010 未分化型早期胃癌に対する内視鏡的粘膜下層剥離術の適応拡大に関する非ランダム化検証的試験

Takizawa K, Takashima A, Kimura A, et al. A phase II clinical trial of endoscopic submucosal dissection for early gastric cancer of undifferentiated type: Japan Clinical Oncology Group study JCOG1009/1010. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2013;43(1):87-91. doi:10.1093/jjco/hys189

JCOG1005A 高度リンパ節転移(Bulky N2 もしくは臨床的N3)を伴う進行胃癌におけるhuman epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)発現陽性割合に関する研究

Matsumoto T, Sasako M, Mizusawa J, et al. HER2 expression in locally advanced gastric cancer with extensive lymph node (bulky N2 or paraaortic) metastasis (JCOG1005-A trial). Gastric Cancer. 2015;18(3):467-475. doi:10.1007/s10120-014-0398-3

JCOG1004A 術前化学療法の組織学的効果判定規準の妥当性に関する研究

Nakamura K, Kuwata T, Shimoda T, et al. Determination of the optimal cutoff percentage of residual tumors to define the pathological response rate for gastric cancer treated with preoperative therapy (JCOG1004-A). Gastric Cancer. 2015;18(3):597-604. doi:10.1007/s10120-014-0401-z

Fujitani K, Nakamura K, Mizusawa J, et al. Posttherapy topographical nodal status, ypN-site, predicts survival of patients who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by curative surgical resection for non-type 4 locally advanced gastric cancer: supplementary analysis of JCOG1004-A. Gastric Cancer. 2020;10.1007/s10120-020-01098-w. doi:10.1007/s10120-020-01098-w

JCOG1002 高度リンパ節転移を伴う進行胃癌に対する術前 Docetaxel + CDDP + S-1 の第II 相試験

Ito S, Sano T, Mizusawa J, et al. A phase II study of preoperative chemotherapy with docetaxel, cisplatin, and S-1 followed by gastrectomy with D2 plus para-aortic lymph node dissection for gastric cancer with extensive lymph node metastasis: JCOG1002. Gastric Cancer. 2017;20(2):322-331. doi:10.1007/s10120-016-0619-z

Takahari D, Ito S, Mizusawa J, et al. Long-term outcomes of preoperative docetaxel with cisplatin plus S-1 therapy for gastric cancer with extensive nodal metastasis (JCOG1002) [published online ahead of print, 2019 Sep 12]. Gastric Cancer. 2019;10.1007/s10120-019-01007-w. doi:10.1007/s10120-019-01007-w

JCOG1001 深達度SS/SE の切除可能胃癌に対する網嚢切除の意義に関するランダム化比較第III 相試験

Kurokawa Y, Doki Y, Mizusawa J, et al. Bursectomy versus omentectomy alone for resectable gastric cancer (JCOG1001): a phase 3, open-label, randomised controlled trial. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018;3(7):460-468. doi:10.1016/S2468-1253(18)30090-6

Tokunaga M, Kurokawa Y, Machida R, et al. Impact of postoperative complications on survival outcomes in patients with gastric cancer: exploratory analysis of a randomized controlled JCOG1001 trial [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jun 29]. Gastric Cancer. 2020;10.1007/s10120-020-01102-3.

JCOG0912 臨床病期I 期胃癌に対する腹腔鏡下幽門側胃切除術の開腹幽門側胃切除に対する非劣性を検証するランダム化比較試験

Katai H, Mizusawa J, Katayama H, et al. Short-term surgical outcomes from a phase III study of laparoscopy-assisted versus open distal gastrectomy with nodal dissection for clinical stage IA/IB gastric cancer: Japan Clinical Oncology Group Study JCOG0912. Gastric Cancer. 2017;20(4):699-708. doi:10.1007/s10120-016-0646-9

Katai H, Mizusawa J, Katayama H, et al. Survival outcomes after laparoscopy-assisted distal gastrectomy versus open distal gastrectomy with nodal dissection for clinical stage IA or IB gastric cancer (JCOG0912): a multicentre, non-inferiority, phase 3 randomised controlled trial. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020;5(2):142-151. doi:10.1016/S2468-1253(19)30332-2

JCOG0705 治癒切除不能進行胃癌に対する胃切除術の意義に関するランダム化比較第III相試験

Fujitani K, Yang HK, Mizusawa J, et al. Gastrectomy plus chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone for advanced gastric cancer with a single non-curable factor (REGATTA): a phase 3, randomised controlled trial. Lancet Oncol. 2016;17(3):309-318. doi:10.1016/S1470-2045(15)00553-7

JCOG0703 臨床病期I期胃癌に対する腹腔鏡下幽門側胃切除術の安全性に関する第II相試験

Kurokawa Y, Katai H, Fukuda H, Sasako M; Gastric Cancer Surgical Study Group of the Japan Clinical Oncology Group. Phase II study of laparoscopy-assisted distal gastrectomy with nodal dissection for clinical stage I gastric cancer: Japan Clinical Oncology Group Study JCOG0703. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2008;38(7):501-503. doi:10.1093/jjco/hyn055

Hiki N, Katai H, Mizusawa J, et al. Long-term outcomes of laparoscopy-assisted distal gastrectomy with suprapancreatic nodal dissection for clinical stage I gastric cancer: a multicenter phase II trial (JCOG0703). Gastric Cancer. 2018;21(1):155-161. doi:10.1007/s10120-016-0687-0

JCOG0501 治切除可能な大型3型・4型胃癌に対する術前TS-1+CDDP併用療法による第Ⅲ相試験

Terashima M, Iwasaki Y, Mizusawa J, et al. Randomized phase III trial of gastrectomy with or without neoadjuvant S-1 plus cisplatin for type 4 or large type 3 gastric cancer, the short-term safety and surgical results: Japan Clinical Oncology Group Study (JCOG0501). Gastric Cancer. 2019;22(5):1044-1052. doi:10.1007/s10120-019-00941-z

Iwasaki Y, Terashima M, Mizusawa J, et al. Gastrectomy with or without neoadjuvant S-1 plus cisplatin for type 4 or large type 3 gastric cancer (JCOG0501): an open-label, phase 3, randomized controlled trial [published online ahead of print, 2020 Nov 16]. Gastric Cancer. 2020;10.1007/s10120-020-01136-7. doi:10.1007/s10120-020-01136-7

JCOG0405 高度リンパ節転移を伴う進行胃がんに対する術前TS-1+CDDP併用療法+外科切除の第Ⅱ相臨床試験

Tsuburaya A, Mizusawa J, Tanaka Y, et al. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy with S-1 and cisplatin followed by D2 gastrectomy with para-aortic lymph node dissection for gastric cancer with extensive lymph node metastasis. Br J Surg. 2014;101(6):653-660. doi:10.1002/bjs.9484

Katayama H, Tsuburaya A, Mizusawa J, et al. An integrated analysis of two phase II trials (JCOG0001 and JCOG0405) of preoperative chemotherapy followed by D3 gastrectomy for gastric cancer with extensive lymph node metastasis. Gastric Cancer. 2019;22(6):1301-1307. doi:10.1007/s10120-019-00981-5

JCOG0302 早期胃癌におけるセンチネルリンパ節生検の妥当性に関する研究

Miyashiro I, Hiratsuka M, Sasako M, et al. High false-negative proportion of intraoperative histological examination as a serious problem for clinical application of sentinel node biopsy for early gastric cancer: final results of the Japan Clinical Oncology Group multicenter trial JCOG0302. Gastric Cancer. 2014;17(2):316-323. doi:10.1007/s10120-013-0285-3

JCOG0210 根治切除可能な大型3型・4型胃癌に対する術前TS-1+CDDP併用療法の安全性確認試験

Iwasaki Y, Sasako M, Yamamoto S, et al. Phase II study of preoperative chemotherapy with S-1 and cisplatin followed by gastrectomy for clinically resectable type 4 and large type 3 gastric cancers (JCOG0210). J Surg Oncol. 2013;107(7):741-745. doi:10.1002/jso.23301

JCOG0110 上部進行胃癌に対する胃全摘術における脾合併切除の意義に関するランダム化比較試験

Sano T, Sasako M, Mizusawa J, et al. Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate Splenectomy in Total Gastrectomy for Proximal Gastric Carcinoma. Ann Surg. 2017;265(2):277-283. doi:10.1097/SLA.0000000000001814

JCOG0002 根治切除可能なスキルス胃癌に対する術前TS-1療法の安全性に関する第II相試験

Kinoshita T, Sasako M, Sano T, et al. Phase II trial of S-1 for neoadjuvant chemotherapy against scirrhous gastric cancer (JCOG 0002). Gastric Cancer. 2009;12(1):37-42. doi:10.1007/s10120-008-0496-1

JCOG0001 高度リンパ節転移を伴う進行胃がんに対する術前CPT-11+CDDP療法+外科切除の第Ⅱ相臨床試験

Yoshikawa T, Sasako M, Yamamoto S, Sano T, Imamura H, Fujitani K, et al. Phase II study of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and extended surgery for locally advanced gastric cancer. Br J Surg. 2009;96(9):1015-22. doi:10.1002/bjs.6665

JCOG9502 食道浸潤胃がんの外科治療に関する比較臨床試験

Sasako M, Sano T, Yamamoto S, et al. Left thoracoabdominal approach versus abdominal-transhiatal approach for gastric cancer of the cardia or subcardia: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet Oncol. 2006;7(8):644-651. doi:10.1016/S1470-2045(06)70766-5

Kurokawa Y, Sasako M, Sano T, et al. Ten-year follow-up results of a randomized clinical trial comparing left thoracoabdominal and abdominal transhiatal approaches to total gastrectomy for adenocarcinoma of the oesophagogastric junction or gastric cardia. Br J Surg. 2015;102(4):341-348. doi:10.1002/bjs.9764

Kurokawa Y, Yamaguchi T, Sasako M, et al. Institutional variation in short- and long-term outcomes after surgery for gastric or esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma: correlative study of two randomized phase III trials (JCOG9501 and JCOG9502). Gastric Cancer. 2017;20(3):508-516. doi:10.1007/s10120-016-0636-y

JCOG 9501 大動脈周囲リンパ節郭清の臨床的意義に関する研究

Sasako M, Sano T, Yamamoto S, et al. D2 lymphadenectomy alone or with para-aortic nodal dissection for gastric cancer. N Engl J Med. 2008;359(5):453-462. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa0707035

Sano T, Sasako M, Yamamoto S, et al. Gastric cancer surgery: morbidity and mortality results from a prospective randomized controlled trial comparing D2 and extended para-aortic lymphadenectomy--Japan Clinical Oncology Group study 9501. J Clin Oncol. 2004;22(14):2767-2773. doi:10.1200/JCO.2004.10.184

Kodera Y, Sasako M, Yamamoto S, et al. Identification of risk factors for the development of complications following extended and superextended lymphadenectomies for gastric cancer. Br J Surg. 2005;92(9):1103-1109. doi:10.1002/bjs.4979

Yoshikawa T, Sasako M, Sano T, et al. Stage migration caused by D2 dissection with para-aortic lymphadenectomy for gastric cancer from the results of a prospective randomized controlled trial. Br J Surg. 2006;93(12):1526-1529. doi:10.1002/bjs.5487

Tsujinaka T, Sasako M, Yamamoto S, et al. Influence of overweight on surgical complications for gastric cancer: results from a randomized control trial comparing D2 and extended para-aortic D3 lymphadenectomy (JCOG9501). Ann Surg Oncol. 2007;14(2):355-361. doi:10.1245/s10434-006-9209-3

Nomura E, Sasako M, Yamamoto S, et al. Risk factors for para-aortic lymph node metastasis of gastric cancer from a randomized controlled trial of JCOG9501. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2007;37(6):429-433. doi:10.1093/jjco/hym067

JCOG 胃がんグループ
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